Payment Card Policies / Resources

Payment Card Policies

University of Nebraska Policies

These documents set forth the University of Nebraska's policies in regards to payment card processing.

Cardholder Data Security and Retention:

Systems Security, Change Management and Logging:

NU Executive Memorandum 16 - UN Policy for Responsible Use of University Computer and Information Systems - This document sets forth the University of Nebraska's administrative policy and provides guidance relating to responsible use of the University's electronic information systems.

UNL Policies and Information

Requirements for Third Parties Processing Payment Cards on Campus - This document sets forth the requirements necessary for any third parties hosting activities/events at the University of Nebraska -Lincoln and wanting to accept payment by payment card (credit and/or debit).

Website Redirect Checklist - This document provides a checklist for merchants which utilize eCommerce for payment and allow payment cards.

Mobile Device Requirements - This document sets forth the requirements necessary for a mobile payment device.


The resources listed below will assist merchants in understanding how the payment card industry works and ensuring compliance with the Payment Card Industry standards.

Other Resources: